Saturday, December 15, 2012

"Porque no le haces una base plana!!!"

It is known that I enjoy spicy, Mexican food from time to time. Actually I could eat it every day. Some friends and I were standing around on a city sidewalk one afternoon. One of the guys in the group asked, "Let's get something to eat. What is everyone in the mood for?" I said, "How about Mexican food?" My friend then replied that he had eaten Mexican food yesterday. Now, I don't know about you, but I find that remark rather funny and illogical at the same time. The return reply from me was, "A good portion of Mexico had Mexican food last night. Guess what? They're going to have it again tonight." Well, I got out voted and I think we had Thai food in the end.

But I do love Mexican food.

Shrimp in Chipotle Sauce
Yesterday Raoul brought me lunch to me at work from the restaurant almost next door, Chile Pepper. It's a sort of Tex-Mex Mexican Restaurant. I still haven't figured out the Texan part of the menu. Raoul brought me Shrimp in Chipotle Sauce. He left and then I opened up the container and there it was, red and steaming with the heat of a thousand suns. I took a bite and I don't think I actually took another breath until this morning. It was h-h-h-h-h-h-ot. Oh Lordy was it ever. I texted Raoul and told him that this dish should come with a warning label that the fire department is not included. I ate it very, very slowly. The dish came with three wonderful flour tortillas which I wolfed down to cut the heat. All in all though, I loved the dish. Next time I will ask her though to cut back on how many chipotles to place in the dish. We all know her and she knows all of us here in town. It's that kind of town. The photo above is of the shrimp in all of it's glorious red heat. The photo was taken with my new discovery. The Canon 35-80mm modified Macro. I also took a very close up macro shot of the Texas Yellow Trumpet Bush which grows wild here in the desert. There is also another macro photo a lamp shade. Notice the detail with the fibers of the fabric.
Lamp Shade Detail

Detail of Texas Yellow Trumpet Bush

"Porque no le haces una base plana!!!"

Last night for dinner Raoul prepared Mexican Tacos with ground turkey, Raoul's delicioso Pico de Gallo, lettuce, cheese and my favorite girlfriend, Cholula. Raoul and I always seem to have to quote the little boy in the commercial for hard tacos with the flat bottom. They were muy sabroso!


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